Meta enhances non-click video ad conversions insights

Meta advertisers can now measure conversions that occur within one day of a video ad play.

The introduction of the Engaged-view attribution setting addresses a video trend where viewers prefer to complete their session before taking action on a video ad, minimizing disruptions to their viewing experience. Meta has said it introduced this setting to enable advertisers to capitalize on this behavior.

Why we care. By incorporating engaged-view alongside other attribution settings, you gain a more comprehensive view of your ad performance. This analysis enables you to optimize your video ad campaigns more effectively for increased conversions and a higher return on investment.

How it works. Engaged-view is included in ads measurement reporting when viewers play video ads for at least 10 seconds (or watch 97% of the video length if it’s under 10 seconds) and subsequently convert within a one-day window.

Availability. Engaged-view is available for all placements except Facebook in-stream video ads that cannot be skipped.

What Meta is saying. A Meta spokesperson said in a statement:

  • “The Engaged-view measurement can help you decide how to optimize for actions beyond a click such as deciding how you can optimize for people who engage with your video ads and do not click.”
  • “It is a way to help Meta better identify future people who may convert and ultimately drive your video campaign performance.”
  • “We know that not everyone who converts necessarily clicks an ad right away, and using engaged-view alongside click through and view through can give you a more holistic understanding of a customer’s path to conversion.”

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Deep dive. Read Meta’s announcement in full for more information.