Reddit announces ability to search comments within a post

Reddit just made it a whole lot easier for users to search comments on posts.

A few months ago, Reddit announced the ability for users to search comments across Reddit on all platforms — but it was clunky. Users were only to search comments across the platform by using the comments tab in the search bar; they still couldn’t search comments within a post. That process has gotten an upgrade. On Monday, Reddit announced that users can now search comments within posts on desktop, iOS, and Android.

“You don’t have to ‘cmd-f’ on the post page anymore and you can search comment threads without expanding them,” one of the site’s mods, u/anon-axoltl, wrote in a post. Using “cmd-f” or “ctrl-f” doesn’t work particularly well if a post has a large number of comments if those comments are collapsed. “No more long scrolling sessions — quickly get to the parts of the conversation you’re looking for and jump in where you want.”

It works pretty much exactly how you’d think it would. On your computer, next to the “Sort By” drop down below the comment box, you’ll see the search bar that reads “Search comments.” Mobile is a bit different: When you’re on a post, click the magnifying glass icon in the top bar and search there.