Hulu‘s trailer for dark Japanese horror-thriller Gannibal will have you rather on edge.
Based on Masaaki Ninomiya’s hit manga and directed by Siblings of the Cape‘s Shinzô Katayama, the series hinges around the fictional rural Japanese village of Kyokamura, where the formidable Goto family run the show. Police officer Daigo Agawa (Hokusai star Yûya Yagira) arrives as the village’s newest Chuzai (residential police) with his wife Yuki (Riho Yoshioka) and daughter Mashiro — yes, the previous Chuzai went mysteriously missing — and needs to uncover the village’s horrendous truths.
Folks, we’re just gonna say it. Cannibals, the year’s hottest screen trend.
Gannibal has been adapted from the manga by screenwriter Takamasa Oe and produced by Teruhisa Yamamoto, both of whom brought us the wondrous Oscar-winner Drive My Car. Yep, it’s a slight pivot in genre.
The final shots of this trailer? YIKES.