Seinfeld first aired in 1989, running for nine seasons. Its popularity has prevailed, so many years later, with demand continuing until present day. But an unlikely occurrence has come from…
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured the moment a supermassive black hole devoured a star — quite the cosmic show. The unlucky star, which was nearly 300 million light years away…
Bollywood and the romance genre are arguably synonymous, and there's one storyteller who cemented the fact with his extensive, beloved body of work. The Romantics, an upcoming documentary series from…
Congratulations everyone, we made it through the first and most depressing month of 2023. While "Blue Monday" isn't actually a thing — there's no one day in January more depressing…
ChatGPT is, in essence, a simple online artificial intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI in December 2022. You can ask it a question, and it will answer that question. For instance,…
TL;DR: Through Feb. 6, you can get the Chounette L'Etonnante 4 Preserved Roses Box for just $34.99 instead of $105.76 — that's 66% in savings ahead of Valentine's Day. It's…